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Action Step: Share



  • Mike Nitsopoulos

    Is it possible to share a Markdown version of a draft using the iOS share action?

  • Greg Pierce

    You can convert the output to Markdown HTML by wrapping the "[[draft]]" tag in double percent signs, like:


    This will output HTML. Not sure if that's what you want. You cannot get a rendered Rich Text representation in a Share sheet, if that's is what you are asking for.

  • Mike Nitsopoulos

    Thanks! I'm trying to get a Markdown version of a draft sent to OneNote. Was trying to 'make it work' without true integration support.
    Is OneNote integration something you're planning on supporting?

  • allmybacon

    I have the same question as the original poster - formatting the note in Markdown is great, but only if I can enjoy it in that form.  How do I export the Formatted Note without the code?

  • Greg Pierce

    You can select an copy text from an HTML preview window and it will paste into other apps as rich text where supported.


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