While we try to resolve issues as soon as we know about them, there are a few cases where that is out of our control, or it will take some time to resolve those issues. On this page we try to keep a list of issues with Interact which are not resolved at this time.
If you are having an issue that is not mentioned here, please send open a support ticket with as much information as you can provide. Thanks!
Getting Stuck on contact detail screen
There are several actions in the contact detail screen ( "i" button ) which can result in the navigation bar at the top of the window disappearing and the app getting stuck with no way to dismiss the detail. Unfortunately, this view is part of Apple's iOS APIs and we are not able to resolve these issues at this time. They have been reported to Apple and we hope they will be fixed in an iOS update soon.
If Interact get stuck like described above, double tap the home button to bring up the iOS multitasking view, and swipe Interact up to force quit the app. No data will be lost or harm done by doing it, though it is inconvenient.
Known actions that can cause this state:
- Tap contact profile photo thumbnail to open view, then return.
- Tap "Add Photo" when editing a contact, and use the "Take a Photo" option. This one does not actually get stuck, but the camera does not work properly in this view, it just appears as a black screen.
- Use the "Share contact" link at the bottom of the contact record. Note that Interact's own "Share" option on the "..." actions screen will NOT get stuck.
- Use "Add to Existing Contact" option when creating a contact from the Scratchpad, then tap cancel.
We continue to look for a temporary workaround for these issues, but decided to ship Interact on faith that Apple will resolve these inconveniences.
Other Issues
Other related issues:
- If using the Scratchpad with a "note" value, the note can be used in new contacts, but will not be saved when selecting "Add to Existing Contact".
- If using the Scratchpad to add a company name to an existing contact, the company name is ignored by Apple's contacts APIs.
- When displaying the system contact card (i) for a Contact, the note field does not wrap text properly for long lines and does not allow scrolling.
If any Apple-people are reading this...here's a few Radar numbers:
- 22627857
- 22809406
- 22914950
- 23361335
- 21771595
- 24190362
- 26648622
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