The Drafts inbox is a great starting place for all your text. Open the app and type…then immediately, or later on, run actions to send that text elsewhere. But what happens to those drafts after you run an action? Depending on what action you used on the draft, you may not want it cluttering your inbox anymore.
By using the "After Success" setting in Drafts Settings, and on individual actions, Drafts can help file away those drafts and keep the inbox clear.
After Success tells Drafts to do one of three things after an action is successfully completed:
- Do Nothing (default): As you might expect, this does nothing to file the draft after an action is run. If the draft is the currently selected draft, it remains selected for editing.
- Archive: Moves the draft to the archive. If the draft is already in the archive, the draft is not moved. This also creates a new draft ready for editing.
- Trash: Move the draft to the trash can. Items remain in the trash for 30 days and can be restored if needed.
This setting can be applied in Drafts settings to create a default "after success" behavior for all actions, but can also be overridden on each individual action to customize behaviors.
Depending on the way you use Drafts, it might make sense to use both of these options in combination. Many users leave the app setting to the default "Do Nothing", but change the setting on specific actions they want to automatically archive drafts – for example Twitter/Facebook actions where after running the action you are typically done with the draft.
Others find they always want drafts archived after running an action, and set the default to "Archive", but might override that setting on some individual actions, for example Markdown previews, which should not automatically file away a draft.
Most of the actions that ship with drafts are set to use the default app settings, with a few exceptions where it made sense, like "Copy to Clipboard" which is set to "Do Nothing" to avoid confusion.
Setting Default After Success
To set the default after success setting for all actions, open the app Settings, scroll down to the "By default, after action success..." section and choose between "Do Nothing", "Archive" and "Delete".
Overriding After Success on Individual Actions
To override the app default setting on individual actions, swipe to right on an action in the action list, and tap edit (pen icon). Scroll down to the after success setting and select "Do Nothing", "Archive", "Trash" or "Default". Default will fall back to using the current after success option selected in the Drafts app settings.
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